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Regymen Fitness
Regymen Fitness offers a variety of programs designed to keep workouts exciting and prevent burnout from the same old cardio routine. Their current workout options include BURN, BOX, BUILD, RUMBLE, and BLAST. BURN is a high-intensity interval training (HIIT) workout that incorporates cardio stations like the treadmill, ski erg, and assault bike, along with strength exercises using kettlebells, TRX, and dumbbells. BOX focuses on boxing-inspired workouts with rounds in the weight room and on aqua bags to spike heart rate through power punching and lifting. BUILD combines compound movements and explosive rounds of cardio to strengthen muscles using barbells, battle ropes, dumbbells, kettlebells, slamballs, sandbags, and more. RUMBLE combines all three signature programs for an ultimate sweat session that maximizes calorie burn. BLAST is a treadmill-focused HIIT workout that incorporates additional equipment like kettlebells and dumbbells. At Regymen Fitness, they provide an engaging group environment that fosters mental encouragement, inspiration, social interaction, and positive measurable results.