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Supporting local businesses is not just a purchase but an investment in the Kansas City community. When you choose to patronize local expertise in Kansas City, Missouri, you’re endorsing local employment and boosting the local economy. LocalCity Expert stands at the forefront of this movement, linking the Kansas City community with businesses that truly understand their needs. If you're a business owner in Kansas City, team up with us. From enhancing online visibility to crafting a state-of-the-art website, we’re here for you. Dive into our Local Business Resource page and discover the avenues we can explore together.

Hollywood Animation Academy is a specialty school for animation located in Kansas City. It was founded by animation veterans from major Hollywood studios with the mission of providing students with the necessary skills and knowledge to succeed in the animation industry. The academy offers programs in 2D, 3D, game, and film animation, taught by experienced instructors who currently work in top positions at major studios.

One of the unique aspects of Hollywood Animation Academy is its emphasis on building a winning portfolio. The instructors, who have reviewed portfolios for major studios, provide personalized guidance to students on how to polish their work and showcase their skills effectively. The academy also offers industry insights and connections, giving students an advantage when it comes to job opportunities.

Additionally, Hollywood Animation Academy prides itself on offering a more affordable alternative to expensive college programs. By being located in Kansas City, they can provide high-quality animation education at a lower cost compared to schools on the coasts. With small class sizes and a focus on industry experience, the academy aims to prepare students for successful careers in animation.